Party Members’ Conference
At 11 A.M. on 3rd July, under the guidance of Branch Secretary Comrade Yu Lihong, the fourth party branch of Anqing Foreign Language School convened the party members’ conference with the theme of ‘New Normalcy, New Responsibility& New Deeds’. The conference was presided over by Comrade Yu Lihong and attended by Principal Huang Zuning with the Primary Department as well as all the party members from the fourth party branch.
Initially, Branch Secretary Yu Lihong led all the party members to learn the main contents of ‘Laying Emphasis On Politics, Rules, Morality& Dedication’ in addition to ‘Having Faith, Discipline, Favorable Behavior& Deeds’ and made clear the party members’ objectives and obligations.
Afterwards, Branch Secretary Yu Lihong further elaborated on the specific connotation of the ‘New Normalcy, New Responsibility& New Deeds’ meticulously, which required all the party members to strengthen conviction, have faith in mind, go into action and fulfill the socialist core values.
In summary, at the conference, all the party members celebrated the birthday of Comrade Ren Yanjuan. Branch Secretary Yu Lihong presented her the political birthday card in person. In addition, the conference announced the amazing news that the fourth party branch was rated ‘Excellent Branch’. The conference concluded in a peaceful and festive atmosphere.

